The page contains a description of the triggers for opening/closing popups.
The application allows you to configure triggers for opening and closing a modal window for Popup and Notification Banner.
- Time delay - opening a window after a certain amount of time has passed. The time is set using the Time delay setting.
- Scroll position opens a window after a specified scroll position. Using Open scroll type setting, you can specify the position type (in pixels or percentages), and using Open scroll position setting, you can specify the position value.
- Exit intent - open window is triggered when the user is about to close a tab or navigate to another page.
- Manual trigger - opening a window when clicking on an element specified in CSS selector setting.
- Time delay - closing a window after a certain amount of time has passed. The time is set using the Time delay setting.
- Scroll position closes a window after a specified scroll position. Using Close scroll type setting, you can specify the position type (in pixels or percentages), and using Close scroll position setting, you can specify the position value.
- None - closing the window when clicking on the cross.