Notification Banner

Selected settings for the banner:

  • Position: Bottom Left
    Layout: Micro Banner
  • Image position: Left
  • Image ratio: Square
  • Image fit: Cover
  • Width: 440px
  • Show overlay
  • Background type: Fill
  • Fonts: Use theme fonts
  • Subheading font weight: Regular
  • Heading font weight: Medium
  • Font size: Small

Selected settings for the banner:

  • Position: Top Right
    Layout: Notification Box
  • Show button
  • Button action: Link
  • Width: 380px
  • Background type: Fill
  • Show border
  • Fonts: DM Sans
  • Subheading font weight: Bold
  • Heading font weight: Medium
  • Font size: Medium
  • Button font weight: Bold

Selected settings for the banner:

  • Position: Biottom
    Layout: Notification Bar
  • Show button
  • Button action: Accept
  • Background type: Gradient
  • Fonts: Inter
  • Subheading font weight: Medium
  • Heading font weight: Medium
  • Font size: Small
  • Button font weight: Bold