Style sets

Add different styles for the same Order Goal or Free Shipping offer.

Style sets is available only for the Order Goal and Free Shipping widgets.

By default, style set 1 is always applied in the theme. If you create only one style set, no further actions are required.

For each offer from the widgets mentioned above, you can configure up to 10 style sets, as you may want to display the same offer as both a bar on the homepage and a widget on the product page.

Go to the offer creation or editing page. Select Styles tab. Create style set 1 (as widget, screen 1) and style set 2 (as bar, screen 2).

Current style set will be applied in the preview block, and its button will be selected.

Go to the theme customizer, place the widget block in the desired locations. Apply style set 2 (type bar) for the widget block on the homepage (screen 1). Apply style set 2 (type widget) for the widget block on the product page (screen 2).